Robert Hein

2014-04-17 11:52:15

I am tremendously broken-hearted to learn that my friend Robert Hein has passed away. Robert was one of the kindest and most gentle people I've ever known, and I loved him dearly. I met him many years ago, not long after I left graduate school I think; he was a Eugene friend of my old friend Colin. It was Colin who called me this morning to tell me that Robert had passed away. (Robert had a rare kind of brain cancer.) I've always looked forward to seeing him, and his close friend Stephanie, who cared for him with incredible devotion through his illness. I last saw them in January when I was last in Portland. I am so very sad I will not see Robert again! My prayers for Robert, his family, and all of his friends.

These pictures are about ten years old; they're from the wedding of my friends Colin and Donna.